**** 2011/11/06 - version 0.3 **** This is the first version available for public download. We wait your comments for futur improvments. **** 2012/11/07 - version 0.4 **** We have modified the computations of the pessimist and optimist area under the curve. These new estimation are more realistic. We also have modified the names of the package and the embedded functions in order to avoid confusion with other packages in the CRAN depository. **** 2013/04/24 - version 0.5 **** We have completed the last version in order to calculate confidence intervals. These non-parametric confidence intervals are based on bootstrap resampling. Therefore, this option is only available in the function based on individual survival data. **** 2013/07/04 - version 0.6 **** In the previous versions, if t was the maximum prognostic time used for the analysis, all the survival probabilities for the times strictly lower than t were used. We have corrected this error. Now, all the survival probabilities for the times lower or equal than t are used. **** 2013/10/31 - version 0.7 **** The package is now compatible with R > 3.0. The references have been updated. Finally, this package met the criteria of CRAN to be uploaded. In particular, we have modified the example in order to respect a comutation time lower than 5 seconds (CRAN policies).